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Kopfrechen-WM 2020

Verfasst: Fr 17. Jan 2020, 6:16
von Nodas
Regarding the WM 2020 (Mental Calculation World Cup 2020 )

Mental calculators from all over the world are invited to the 9th Mental Calculation World Cup 2020!

The Mental Calculation World Cup 2020 will be held in Paderborn, Germany

Venue: Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum, world's largest computer museum

Date: 21-23 August 2020

Contest Details:
Calculators will have to solve tasks in different categories (addition, multiplication, extracting roots, day-of-the-week calculations) and various surprise tasks.
Only strict mental calculation (no tools, no writing down of intermediate results) is allowed.

Side Event:
A Symposium on the Past, Presence and Future of Stage Mental Calculation will be held on 20 August at the Center for Magic Arts in Nottulm-Appelhülsen (
This symposium is not part of MCWC but will be timed such that calculators taking part in the symposium can travel to MCWC in Paderborn afterwards.
Those who are seriously interested in taking part in this side-event, please send an e-mail to
Suggestions for presentations are welcome!

MCWC Prizes:
There will be several titles and trophies for the best participants.
India MEMORIAD the MEMORIAD Association both sponsor free flight and hotel for the categories' winners to Memoriad 2020 planned to be held in Dubai, UAE. (No sponsorship will be given to persons who have been banned from taking part at Memoriad contests by decision of the Memoriad committee).

The registration form can be found on the MCWC web site (

Deadline for Registrations: 1 May 2020
You can help us with the organization if you register soon.

Calculators who already took part at a previous MCWC event are welcome to send the application form by e-mail to
First-time participants please download the entry form on the MCWC web site. Please send it by airmail together with the documentation that is necessary for qualification to the address given in the form.
Please note that we have a tough qualification (with usually far more than 40 people registering). Calculators who took part in one of the previous years may want to send additional documentation about their recent results in the same way as the first-timers (by airmail with all the paperwork) in order to have better chances in the qualification.

The number of participants is limited to 40. If more people register for the event, the organizer will select the participants who qualify. For this purpose, information about previous results at mental calculation events (achieved in the past ten years), other mental sports contests and verified achievements with the Memoriad software ( are taken into consideration.
The results achieved should be documented (category, number of correct answers, time) and sent together with the application form. These results must be confirmed by a witness with some background in mental calculation (for example a maths teacher or a university researcher who works in a field close to mathematics).

No organization is authorized to organize qualification contests, applications are to be sent individually by each calculator. Schools can send the applications of their best students together.

Organizational stuff:
There is no entry fee, but participants have to pay their travel expenses. We will publish hotel recommendations soon enough on the MCWC web site.
Accompanying persons will have to pay a fee (about 50 € per person) for social events, catering, etc.

Please contact us soon enough if you need a formal invitation letter for visa purposes. Keep in mind that in some countries visa formalities can take a long time!

More information can be found on the web site:

If you have any questions on the MCWC, please contact me at

I am looking forward to meet the world's best calculators Paderborn!

Ralf Laue

A few more links about this competition:

Mental Calculation World Cup in Wikipedia

Mental Calculation World Cup Facebook page


Re: Kopfrechen-WM 2020

Verfasst: Mi 29. Jul 2020, 12:06
von Ralf Laue
Die WM musste leider Corona-bedingt abgesagt werden. Sie soll 2021 nachgeholt werden. Alle Registrierungen bleiben gültig, und es sind auch weiterhin noch Anmeldungen für 2021 möglich:

Dank Daniel Timms findet im August ein Online-Kopfrechenwettbewerb im Rahmen der Mind Sports Olympics statt: ... piad-2020/


Re: Kopfrechen-WM 2020

Verfasst: So 18. Okt 2020, 14:14
von wenzel
Danke schön, dass jedenfalls der MCWC nicht online durchgeführt
wurde wie die MC auf der MSO oder der JMCWC.

Beide Wettbewerbe wurden durch diese "Spaßveranstaltungen" schwer beschädigt.

Ich habe mich über die Folgen, die durchaus vorher abzusehen waren, sehr geärgert.

Online Rechenwettbewerbe sind ein schlechter Witz und ein Schlag ins Gesicht für
jeden Teilnehmer der normalen Wettbewerbe in den Jahren zuvor, die ein unvergleichlich
höheres Niveau hatten und unter fairen Bedingungen stattfanden.

Re: Kopfrechen-WM 2020

Verfasst: So 18. Okt 2020, 20:51
von wenzel
Zum schlechten Witz:

Der MSO Sieger Herr Bhanu Prakash konnte im MCWC in Dresden 2014 und in Bielefeld 2016
NICHT EINE Quadratwurzel ziehen,
mit 14 bzw.16 Jahren, 0 Punkte, letzter Platz.

4 Jahre später am Computer daheim löst er dann die KUBIKwurzel
aus 353 mit völlig unglaublichen 19 Stellen nach dem Komma?

Und erhält dafür allein mehr als ein Drittel seiner Gesamtpunkte?

Für Quadratzahlen wären die 19 Stellen schon phänomenal,
Kubikwurzeln sind allerdings noch einige Tacken schwerer.

Und das soll mit rechten Dingen zugegangen sein?

Es gibt immer großartige Rekorde, aber solche Rechner haben vorher schon
immer ihre Meilensteine gesetzt.
In der Öffentlichkeit, nicht online am PC.