XMT 2016

Mnemotechnik als Mentalsport. Hier dreht sich alles um Meisterschaften, mentale Höchstleistungen, neue sowie alte Rekorde im Bereich des Gedächtnissports.

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XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Hi folks. I couldn't find a similar topic for XMT 2016. So I thought to open a new topic

About this competition: http://www.extremememorytournament.com/the-tournament
The Competition will be a 2-day event on June 24th - 26th, 2016
held at the Dart Neuroscience Convention Center in San Diego, CA
sponsored by Dart Neuroscience and Washington University in St. Louis (WUSL)
offering money prizes from a pool of $75,000
About the qualification: http://www.extremememorytournament.com/qualifiers/
The qualification period runs for 5 weeks starting January 11th, 2016, focusing on a different event each week as shown below. Competitors can perform a maximum of 5 qualification attempts in the event of the week, and must submit their best attempt along with an accompanying video (a sample valid video can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S9lGDgfkCA).

Each qualification attempt will be reviewed by the XMT organizers. The XMT organizers reserve the right to reject any qualification attempts that they deem not to be valid. Qualification attempts that are judged as valid will receive a number of qualification points based on comparison with the current world record. At the end of the 5-week qualification period, the 16 competitors with the highest total qualification points will be invited to compete at XMT 2016.
Also, a statistic to notice that both previous winners of this competition were Germans: Simon in 2014 and Johannes 2015. Also, Boris who reached the Final in '15. Congratulations!

The knock-out rounds after the groups, seem hard. I watched some of the XMT'15 finals in Youtube last year, and it seemed like a nice competition format and memory sport.

The '1 minute only' format, reminds of the 'Bullet' format in Chess or maybe Calendar calculation (1 minute). Not always enough time. But exciting, with all the time pressure.

From the 2015 best scores http://xmtlive.com/#/bestscores, as an outsider I find some scores outstanding:
Images: Tumur's 30 images in 14.4 seconds (!),
Numbers: Johannes' 80 (decimal) numbers in 21 seconds (!)
Cards: Simon's: All 52 correct in 23.3 seconds
Words: Boris' 47 words in 1 minute, (and Simon's 49 words in 2014)
Names: Simon's 28 names in 1 minute

With all due respect to all other scores and records, I find especially the first 2 records (14.4" in images and 21" in numbers) to be superhuman genius performances, at least to me. So, I consider it will be hard to break those 2 scores. But let's see.

Also, according to this Recordholders site, Ramon Campayo, speed memory recordman from Spain, has done 30 decimal digits in 4 seconds. And Johannes 80 in 21 seconds in XMT'15. So, it would be interesting to put a unique hybrid competition/duel at an average of 10 or 12 seconds and see who could win and memorize more decimals in that timeframe: Ramon or Johannes? This nice speed memory application can practice up to 50 decimal(or binary) in 1-9 seconds. Also, Ramon has a nice program called 'Speed-Memory Simulator 2'. I like such programs because they increase the reading speed of numbers. So, they are useful for calculation as well (by remembering more carrying digits, in short-term)

Anyway, this XMT sport should also be highlighter on some Sport channel in TV. Nelson and the other guys (Alex etc.) seem to do a good work in organizing this.

So, Good luck to everyone trying qualifications and participating in XMT 2016. If there's a livestream this year as well (in June 2016), I'll try to watch some XMT'16 in Youtube.
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
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Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

I'm not sure if you're aware of it, Nodas, but when you register at the training page (you don't need to buy full access for that) you can see the scores submitted on the leaderboard and can watch each corresponding video.
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Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Hello Philodoof. I have not registered because I am not a memory competitor, but only an observer. Yes, I know that there are full tables with all the scores and groups in the site.

But, I just thought to mention here just a few scores that I find the most remarkable. Like I said, I respect all other scores, but especially some scores were really outstanding, at least in 2015.

It will be interesting to watch the XMT performances this year. I imagine that this competition is getting harder. Because many Americans and Mongolians are getting stronger. So, maybe there could be surprises in the knock-out pairings.

Probably next month, after the qualifiers, we'll have the full list of the 24 competitors in XMT '16. The money prizes are relatively big for a Memory competition. So that's extra an motivation for the athletes.

For the record, the Top-8 from XMT-2015, automatically qualify for XMT-16:
1. Johannes Mallow 2. Boris Konrad 3.Simon Reinhard 4.Alex Mullen
5. Katie Kermode 6. Christian Schäfer 7. Jonas von Essen 8. Enkhjin Tumur

So, unless someone from that last year's Top-8 forfeits their place, the XMT'16 qualifiers are about only 16 more additional places (internationally), and not 24.

Best wishes
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
Beiträge: 437
Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

Yeah and I was telling you this, because with an account you'd be able to observe scores. ;)

The qualification for Cards, Images and Names is over. The Numbers qualification week has begun on Monday. There were some great scores.

Out of the qualification process Alex Mullen had submitted a time of 17,08 seconds for Cards.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLr5KZX ... e=youtu.be
Within the qualification process Lance won with 19,08 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O7mieB ... e=youtu.be

Johannes Zhou has won Images with 18,75 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgJ7RJQ ... e=youtu.be

Names was won by Jan-Hendrik Büscher who got 29 names. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8aC8pK ... e=youtu.be

And so far only Purevjav has submitted a Numbers score, but it's better than current WR - 18,06.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0FgLaZ ... e=youtu.be

You could see all that and more with a log-in for yourself. There is nothing wrong about getting an account there even if you're not competing. For competition you would have to get a payed account anyway, but for spectating the free account is sufficient. :-)
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Registriert: Mi 30. Apr 2014, 0:16
Wohnort: Greece

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Hello again Philodoof,

Thanks for the updates and the scores. I didn't know most of them. But I've learned about Alex's and Lance's Cards home records about a week ago, when their records were posted in the Art of Memory forum. 17 seconds in Cards is a fantastic score and almost superhuman. But remember, that it's the qualification process and it's done from home. So things are a bit more relaxed. Personally, my home training scores in mental calculation are about 20% (in some case 10% or 30% in some cases) more efficient than what I've done in actual competitions. Because in home, there is no pressure due to a long airplane journey (jet lag or whatever), the nutrition is better, the sleep is much better and comfortable (than in hotel), and there is the additional advantage of doing your attempts whenever you want: morning, afternoon, evening or night. Another advantage, is that you do them in your own computer. I don't underestimate home training and great home record attempts of mental and mind sports athletes, but I just try to differentiate between the home and the real contest.

For example, Simon had also probably done less than 19" unofficially in Cards last year. But as you see, in the official XMT'15 competition , his score was 'just' 23.5" which is normal for his standards. Also, another parameter is that many competitors in the actual contest choose to aim for a 'safer' ('slower) time , rather than doing a faster time which is not accurate. As it happens in most competitions, the most crucial parameter is being accurate. (e.g. all correct 52 cards, 80 numbers, 30 names, 30 images, 50 words and so on). If you find those 100% correct , only then in 'tie-break' you care about comparing times. The fastest time only counts for people with equal and/or perfect scores. Otherwise, especially in the competition, accuracy is most imporant. I say this because, as you know probably all folks competing in XMT, can do the Cards in less than 1 minute. But in the XMT last year, many of them did not even have the whole 52-pack correct, because they were going too fast.

For me, a competition should be a balance between accuracy and speed. In Memoriad '12, in the square roots category I opted for more accuracy, instead of higher speed. That proved to be a correct strategy. Even though, I was not in the Top-10 of the fastest calculators (time-wise), my strategy was to go for high accuracy (100%) and that brought me to 2nd overall place and a silver medal. It was a risk to go slower than others, but I valued the factor 'accuracy' as equally and even more important.
After that parameter, if you feel confident that you are 99% or 100% accurate in your aimed chosen given timeframe ("your own limits"), then it's logical to push for more speed. It's a risky strategy though, but sometimes it works.

Anyway, that's a bit subjective issue, because folks have different standards in their training and exercises.

About the full list of names: yes, some qualification tasks are already over. So probably within this month we'll have the full list of XMT'16 competitors. (about 4 months before the competition).

Again, good luck to the participants!
Zuletzt geändert von Nodas am Fr 05. Feb 2016, 6:46, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
Beiträge: 437
Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

Yeah, I know that these qualification attempts are based on much better circumstances. I'm an athlet myself and I learnt this the hard way at my first competition. :-)
Even qualification scores aren't usually the training scores either. People get a little nervous knowing it matters now, also there may be differences. Some people struggled because of a new set of images for example.

Just wanted to show what you're missing but don't have to miss. ;)

I personally will follow this competition as long as time allows. Last year I've followed almost everything live. The year before that I watched the videos afterwards, but still in full length. It's especially interesting if you know some of those competing and if you are crossing fingers for them. :) And right now I'm crossing my fingers for some athlets to qualify. :-)
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Registriert: Mo 31. Mär 2003, 9:33
Wohnort: Kranenburg

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Boris »

Die Qualifikation ist um, vorbehaltlich der Bestätigung aller Videos sind das die 16 Qualifizierten:

1 Lance Tschirhart
2 Johannes Zhou
3 Marwin Wallonius
4 Yanjindulam Altansuh
5 Purevjav Erdenesaikhan
6 Tsetsegzul Zorigtbaatar
7 Shi Binbin
8 Anudari Adiyasuren
9 Bat-enkh Shijir-Erdene
10 Melanie Höllein
11 Sengesamdan Ulziikhutag
12 Ben Pridmore
13 Marlo Knight
14 Johnny Briones
15 Ola Kåre Risa
16 Anne Reulke

Auf dem undankbaren 17. Rang, damit aber auch erster möglicher Nachrücker, Jan-Hendrik Büscher, der bei Namen unter den sich qualifizierenden 1. und bei Wörtern 2. geworden ist.
Mit 327 Punkten nur 2 Punkte hinter Rang 16.
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Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

Besonders bitter für Jan-Hendrik wenn man bedenkt, dass Johnny Briones im Grunde 5 Gegenbeispiel-Videos gedreht hat, wie man es nicht machen sollte und man ihm dafür anscheinend nicht einmal auf die Finger gehauen hat. :| Ich möchte nicht in Jan-Hendriks Haut stecken.

Insgesamt war das Niveau diesmal sehr hoch. :) Hatte es niedriger erwartet. Besonders krass finde ich, dass Alex außerhalb der Wertung mit nur 4 eingereichten Videos noch auf eine höhere Gesamtpunktzahl kommt, als Sieger Lance mit seiner ohnehin schon hohen Punktzahl aus 5 Disziplinen. :shock:

Bei dem Niveau hätte ich keine Chance gehabt mich zu qualifizieren. Ich habe teilweise nebenher aus Spaß eine Qualifikation für mich soweit möglich mittels Memocamp simuliert und im Rahmen dessen auch zwei neue PB erreicht, aber das war trotzdem insgesamt noch viel zu wenig.
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Registriert: Mo 31. Mär 2003, 9:33
Wohnort: Kranenburg

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Boris »

Nach neustem Update sind

Jan-Hendrik Büscher // Germany
Enkhmunkh Erdenebatkhaan // Mongolia

qualifiziert, da Jonas von Essen und Ola Kare Risa auf ihre Teilnahme verzichten.
Beiträge: 1746
Registriert: Mo 31. Mär 2003, 9:33
Wohnort: Kranenburg

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Boris »

Anbei die Gruppenauslosung 2016
xmt2016draw.png (405.72 KiB) 30953 mal betrachtet
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Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

Ist natürlich schade, dass es zu Absagen kam. Hoffentlich ist es bei Jonas nur eine Pause. Er hatte ja schon bei der WM gefehlt. Da wird man allmählich nervös, er könnte die Lust verloren haben.
Aber auch mit den Absagen wird das einige interessante Duelle geben. Freue mich schon darauf. :-) Die Gruppe B ist für mich persönlich am interessanten, da ich drei der 4 Gruppenmitglieder mehr oder weniger kenne. In den anderen Gruppen kenne ich jeweils höchstens zwei.
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Wohnort: Greece

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Good luck to all the participants !

May the best, win
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
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Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Malte »

Philodoof hat geschrieben:Ist natürlich schade, dass es zu Absagen kam. Hoffentlich ist es bei Jonas nur eine Pause. Er hatte ja schon bei der WM gefehlt. Da wird man allmählich nervös, er könnte die Lust verloren haben.
Das Leben besteht halt nicht nur aus Gedächtnissport. Jonas hatte ja sehr viel damals trainiert und ich kann es gut nachvollziehen, dass er nicht so viel macht, zumal er nicht der Topfavorit mehr ist.

Ich hoffe das dieses Jahr kein Deutscher gewinnt und bin zuversichtlich, dass dies auch klappt. Es sind ja auch mal andere dran. Ich denke Alex Mullen wird es dieses Jahr machen, denn er muss ja in keiner Disziplin vor jemanden "Angst haben" und in den USA ist er sicherlich noch motivierter. Marvin hat mich mit seinen Göteborgergebnissen nicht überall überzeugt.
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Registriert: Mo 11. Feb 2008, 16:34

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Philodoof »

Ich weiß doch, dass das Leben nicht nur aus Gedächtnissport besteht. Dennoch darf ich es schade finden. ;) Neben seiner Klasse ist er auch einfach eine interessante Persönlichkeit, die man vermissen würde. Zumindest geht es mir so. Das heißt ja nicht, dass ich nicht gleichzeitig auch Verständnis habe, für eine Entscheidung zur Auszeit o.ä.

Marwin sehe ich nicht unter den Titelanwärtern. Seine Stärke ist insbesondere das memorisieren von Zahlen. In WMC-Wettbewerben betrifft das leider gleich 5 Disziplinen: 5 Min Numbers, längere Numbers, Binaries, Historische Daten und Spoken Numbers. Also normalerweise sind in 50% aller Disziplinen Zahlen relevant, die theoretisch jeweils mit ein und dem selben System abgedeckt werden könnten. Bei der XMT allerdings sind Zahlen nur in einer von 5 Disziplinen relevant. Dazu kommt, dass Marwin sich besonders in den Disziplinen auszeichnet die auf mentaler Ausdauer beruhen.
In meinem vorläufigen Ranking dass ich kurzfristig nochmal aktualisieren werde, habe ich Marwin nur an Position 10 gesetzt. Simon sehe ich aktuell an 1, Alex an 2 mit nur geringfügig schlechteren Chancen.
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Registriert: Mo 31. Mär 2003, 9:33
Wohnort: Kranenburg

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Boris »

Der Spielplan ist inzwischen online. Zudem gibt es dieses Mal nicht nur Bild im Livestream, sondern auch einen Livekommentator von einem erfahrenen Sportkommentator im Duo mit Florian Dellé als Gedächtnissport-Exerten.
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Registriert: Mi 30. Apr 2014, 0:16
Wohnort: Greece

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Hello Boris,

I found the contest plan is here :
http://www.extremememorytournament.com/the-tournament/ (days 1, 2, 3)

I made a small analysis of all 3 days, and it seems to me that Day 2 is the hardest, and the day with the most potential hard match-ups:

Day 1: The Group Stage.
30 matches per group: 6 matches in all 5 categories. Total: 180 matches (5 groups)
That's 15 matches per competitor (fixed)

Day 2:
Knock-Out round (first to 4 wins, therefore maximum 7 matches) :

A. Round-of-16 (2 rounds of 4 matches). Obviously, those starting the 1st round, will have more time to rest.
Total R16 maximum 7x8 = 56 matches

B. Quarter-Finals (all 4 matches start simultaneously)
Total QF maximum 7x4 = 28 matches

C. Semifinals (both 2 matches start simultaneously)
Total SF maximum: 2x7=14 matches

Day 2 maximum 8 x 7 + 4+7+ 2x7 = 98 matches.
That's fewer than the 180 of Day 1. However,
if hypothetically all R16, QF, SF go to 7 matches,
that's 3x7=21 matches per competitor !
So, obviously, Day 2 is the most difficult day.

However, if someone in all rounds makes a "Sweep" 4-0 (as we call it Basketball)
there could be a minimum of only 3x4 =12 matches per competitor who sweeps (4-0) easily all the knock-outs before the Final

Day 3:
The Grand Finals (Best of 9) and the 3rd Place Match (Best of 9)
Maximum 18 matches, and 9 per competitor.
In case of 5-0 (Sweep) there can be minimum of 5 matches.

Therefore for someone to win XMT, it's needed between :

Minimum: 15 matches (Day 1) + 12 matches (Day 2) + 5 matches (Day 3) = 32 matches and
Maximum: 15 matches (Day 1) + 21 matches (Day 2) + 9 matches (Day 3) = 45 matches in total
So, if "x" is the number of games that the Finalists need to compete, then
32 < x < 45 minutes

Each of every task is 1 minute memorization and 4 minutes recall.

So the pure XMT competition time is :
Total Memorization: between 32 minutes and 45 minutes .
Total Recall: between 4x32=128 minutes and 4x45=180 minutes

Total Time (Memorization+Recall) :
between 32+128=160 minutes and 45+180=225 minutes

But as we all know, almost noone uses the whole 4 minutes for recalling. Most people just use only an average 1 additional minute for recall.
So, if the memorization is between 32 minutes and 45 minutes, then assuming 1 extra minute only for recall, then you need another 32 minutes and 45 minutes for recalling, so in total is needed between 64 and 90 minutes (in all 3 days)
But these are very rough and crude estimates.
But it's not bad hourly rate and working time for some who will get thousands of Dollars $$ in return for about 2-3 hours of total pure mental work :P

The surprise XMT #1,#2,#3,#4,#5 tasks in the knock-out phase will make it even more interesting.

Less than 300 hours left now,

75,000 $ prize is a lot, so it will be interesting competition.

So, good Luck to all in your travel to USA !
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
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Beiträge: 31
Registriert: Mi 30. Apr 2014, 0:16
Wohnort: Greece

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Congratulations to Simon Reinhard and the Mongolian who reached the XMT 2016 Grand Final tomorrow.

5 matches left to win the tournament. Simon is the favourite to win again, after 2014.
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas
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Beiträge: 31
Registriert: Mi 30. Apr 2014, 0:16
Wohnort: Greece

Re: XMT 2016

Beitrag von Nodas »

Simon won XMT 2016 for the 2nd time, by winning 5-0 in the Final.

All XMTs (2014,2015,2016) have been won by Germans

(Simon x2 ('14 , '16), Johannes ('15)

Well done !
Nodas, mental calculator from Griechenland
Current Greek National Memory Record holder for the Memorization of Pi/π
My MEMOCAMP page: https://memocamp.com/en/bestenliste/benutzer/8286-nodas